The unique manufacturing capabilities with high-tech equipment, including lasers and a great experience of the best modelers of our city allows us to produce any models for you in a short time and a high degree of detail.
Architectural, industrial and others models are our speciality.

Producing architectural and industrial models, scale models, mock-ups of equipment.

A detailed model will definitely delight visitors of exhibition and quicken interest of investors and consumers of your products or services. This product will stand out at any exhibition.

Deeply detailed architectural model has a special attraction and vitality because it is a small replica of the big world.

Industrial model

Industrial model has its technical and technological appeal. Even a technically untrained person can understand the scope and technical features in few minutes of a worked out model of both a separate installation or facility and the whole enterprise while looking at it. It is particularly interesting to present projects to investors and government as it will be much easier for them to understand the structure of an enterprise which they are offered to invest in. 


These are technical schemes that clearly demonstrate the ability of manufacturing processes. Its brightness, simplicity of comprehension and volume will undoubtedly attract more visitors to your exposition stand.

Manufacturing of models  exclusively by specialists in the designing area makes it impossible to produce a breadboard that satisfies the high requirements of modern exposition!

These objectives can be realized by involving professional multifunctional modelers skilled in engineering,  the appropriate equipment as well as advanced technologies and experience.

We experiment with the latest modern technologies (built-in computer with touch screen  and controller for process control of the model, minivideocamera, various sources of light, kinematics, remote control, smoke simulators) and apply them not only in technological but in architectural and urban planning models as well.

Welcome to our model workshop!

We will be glad to see you among our customers!


Архитектурные Промышленные Подарочные Панно 3D Парусники Мастерские россии
Творческое объединение «Автограф»
Вертолетная съемка
Студия «4D»
Студия «4D»